Hey Fam,
Today is officially Khmer New Year. So
yes, it is DEAD outside. We found a member who owns an internet shop who
is letting us all email here. For big holidays pretty much everyone
goes out to their provinces. So it slows way down here in the city. But
we work on updating our CBR books and deep-cleaning our house. And
actually there still will be quite a few members here. So we'll be
meeting with as many people as possible.
Something President Moon started stressing is
contacting. He wants us getting 10 contacts/day. You would think that
probably would be normal, but it's not for us here. Anyway, so Sister
Melton and I have put so much effort into getting these contacts and we
DID IT!! I'm not joking, it took quite a bit of extra effort. But I have
no doubt that somewhere this effort will pay off.
Actually we did find some cool potential
investigators this week. One we met while visiting Ming Slippy. She saw
us go in and then she kinda followed us into the house and she started
asking us so many questions. She is so interested!! But unfortunately
she just left for the next few weeks for the holiday. But I have a
feeling she is going to turn into a good one!
Also, we have a new method of contacting. We have
this little card that is a picture of people getting baptized. And we
just whip it out during our contact and be like "do you know what this
is?" or "have you ever learned about this?" and people get pretty
interested. And then we commit them to begin preparing themselves for
baptism by learning with us. There have been a couple that have been
quite interested. We are going to start using it more! It is a mission-wide thing we are implementing. Kinda fun!
I went on exchange this week with a sister named
Sister Kohler. She is super cool. She actually finishes her mission in
like 2 weeks. Sister Payne also finishes in like 2 weeks. Crazy! But my
exchange was really good! I like exchanges because I get to know a lot
of the sisters and I get to see different things they do. I felt the
spirit SO strongly with Sister Kohler when we were teaching about the
first vision. It was great!
Also we have another new investigator this week. His
name is Sean. He is like 22-ish? Not sure. He is renting out a small
part of a members house and so he wants to learn/is maybe being forced
to learn. But he is a cool guy. He is acting really sincere about it. He
is actually very smart and has really good questions. He also speaks English so well. I think he has a lot of potential. We are excited about
Our investigator Ming Slippy who I have told you so
much about is simply amazing. She is so cool. She just keeps plowing
through her kids Book of Mormon. She took it with her for the holiday so
she can ask all her little nieces and nephews to help her read. She
went to the women's session and loved it. She just is so good. I just am
so not sure what to do to get her baptized cause her weird situation,
but the gospel is definitely changing her life. It is so fun to watch.
Also we have been meeting with this long time
member, she is an old Relief Society president. Now she is just so old
and sick and can't really go anywhere. She also is quite deaf so has no
idea what we are saying. But she is so sweet. She sees us and just calls
us right in and then just talks and talks about the Church and old
times and how she can't go because of how sick she is. It builds my
testimony because in her heart she is still so so loyal to her Father in
Heaven. She prays so sincerely. I just feel touched by her testimony.
Now last, but not least. Conference was amazing!!!!
How blessed are we to get to have Conference twice a year?!?! How do
people live their lives without it. I absolutely loved Elder Holland's
talk. Power. Seriously, why would anyone expect God to just let them run
around and do whatever they want?! That is bad parenting! I was just
blown away. Also I loved Stevenson's talk about the Olympics. Our life
on earth is so short. So short! We have such a small time to perform our
best, and it affects everything! Cool concept. There were really so
many amazing talks. And something Sister Melton and I were talking about
this morning is that we can't forget them. Seriously I feel like Conference comes, and then pretty soon after we just get back to normal
life and we don't apply what we learned as much as we should have. These
are the words of the Prophet and apostles! This is scripture!!! We need
to be doing everything to embed this stuff deep in our veins. I am
going to try really hard to do that. I invite you to join with me! I
will be following up. ;) Haha, I'm such a missionary...
Well I love you all! I hope you have a great week!
Sister Homer
Amazing American food we found. So good. |
Farewell party for a member in our branch who is going on a mission. |
After exchange: Sister Kohler, Me, Sister Davis, Sister Melton |
Straight hair! So long! And this is my Khmer-style skirt that I have. It's cool. You'll see it sometime. |
This is me and my companion and me near this massive pile
of garbage which is standard at our little market where we buy our food.
Someday I will shop in only grocery stores again. Woohoo, garbage! |