Dear Family,
really can't believe it is already December. When I got here in MAY I
thought that I would never make it here. Can you believe I have already
been here this long? This month I will hit my 9 months as a missionary.
Technically that would be halfway. But If I stay 'til next October it
won't quite be halfway. But it is all just so bizarre because I still
feel like a fool who has no idea what is going on around me. But,
whatever. I make do. It also is incredible because today I was standing
at our kitchen sink washing our vegetables looking out over my backyard
swamp and just thinking to myself, "I don't really want to leave yet."
That's like a big deal. Obviously I'm not really close to leaving, but
also I just really really love it here. I know that you probably already
assumed I love it here, but like I don't know there are different
levels. And something no one will ever understand is what it is like to
live in Cambodia. It really is not ideal in almost every way. It's hard,
but today I just actually LOVE IT. And I don't want to go home yet.
Good thing I still have at least 9 more months!
This week was probably the craziest thing that ever happened. I
think there was literally some force in the universe preventing Sister
Davis and I from getting anything done. I have no way I can really put
it into perspective for you besides just telling you it was comical how
thing after thing after thing just came up and fell through. The best
way I could tell you would probably be to say that we only taught 12
lessons this week. I know for some missions and some areas that really
might not be bad. Actually that might be really good, I have no
perspective of these things. BUT, for me and my companion here in
Kampong Cham, that is HORRIBLE. Two weeks ago we had 37 lessons. So it
really was like, not okay. But honestly we were working hard all week
and doing what we were supposed to, so I don't feel frustrated or
disappointed in myself, it really just turned out to be comical!
One major thing that came up during this week was that one of
our members died here in 1st branch. He has been a member for a long
time, but he is not just any member, he is actually our recent convert,
Seang Hach's dad. :( So that was like the worst thing ever. He was sick
for the past few weeks so he went up to Phnom Penh to get it taken care
of. They said there was nothing they could do and that he would die
soon, and they sent him back home. He did indeed pass away I think
on Friday morning. So we were there
on Friday and
doing stuff with the funeral. And funerals actually last 7 days here,
so we'll be going back there again this week. They did already bury him
though, and that was the most interesting thing. The monks came and did
all the cleaning of the body all the way through the procession. They
then let the mormons come in and dedicate the grave before they covered
it all up. It was really fascinating thing to be a part of. There was a
good turnout of members there and I was really grateful for that. I
think the family was as well, to have all that support. More than
anything seeing they way the did the funeral and the difference between
mormon funerals really just confirmed that I KNOW the plan of salvation
is real. I have literally no doubt. I just wish people could see that
and understand.
The thing that is amazing is that yesterday Seang Hach still
came to church. I was so touched by that! You would think if there were
one time that maybe there was a decent excuse to not come to church, it
would have been yesterday. And in a place where everyone is looking for
excuses to not come to church, that was truly amazing. I was just blown
away when I saw her walk in. I'm literally speechless.
Another thing that took up a lot of our time this week was
Brak Soknii's baptismal interviews. She had to be interviewed by both
our district leader and our Mission President. So
Tuesday we did the DL one and then
on Friday
we arranged for her to skype with president moon. Let me tell you how
hysterical this was. I told her we would come pick her up
on friday
to go do the interview. I obviously didn't think it was that big of a
deal. But so yes, we went and picked her up in the senior couples car,
took her back to their house, set up the computer so she could skype
him, and then just took her back home after it was all finished. Totally
normal. Well based on the look on her face when we dropped her back
off, it was obviously like the most bizarre experience she's ever had.
Then I realized, she had just driven in a car with a bunch of white
people to go to a nice, big, air-conditioned house to talk on a computer
with a white man speaking Khmer about the gospel. Turns out that really
isn't a normal thing here. Her face was seriously like the funniest
thing I had ever seen when we dropped her off. She just had this goofy
little smile and she like didn't know where to go or who to talk to. You
could tell her mind had just been blown. It was so great! It was
eye-opening to me to though, for how eye-opening it was for her. I'll
send a picture of the neighborhood she's from. But besides all that, she
did SO AWESOME! on her interview. I obviously don't really know what
was said but I heard her talking a lot and afterward President Moon said
she was awesome. woohoo! So she was baptized yesterday! Ming Sokhom did
come to church yesterday so she was baptized as well!
Srei Miah was also baptized yesterday. This was endearing.
she had her interview with Elder Sorenson. We were at the funeral so we
just had him go by himself. Not ideal, but necessary. Well, Srie Miah
our fiesty little ten year old turned from sassy to scared. She
literally wouldn't even talk to him. She hid under a towel for 30
minutes and refused to do the interview. So he called us, and we finally
got there. I talked to her for a while under the towel and finally got
her to do the interview if I sat in. Elder Sorenson made an exception
and decided that was fine. So we finally got the interview all done. So
fast forward to yesterday, baptism. Her dad baptized her, but once she
got in the water with him she was SO scared. She doesn't know how to
swim and the water was cold. She was just like crying through the whole
thing. And then they always have the new converts stand and bear their
testimony, well that was just too much for her. She was just sitting
there with tears streaming down her face, refusing to get up. I felt so
bad!! I promise we didn't force her to be baptized! She wanted this. So
they didn't make her talk, and it was all fine. After it was all over
she was fine and even smiled at me. I just don't know how getting her
the Holy Ghost next week will work.
Another thing this week is that our BM helper Sanna got her mission
call! She is going to Cambodia! She leaves for the Manila MTC on
January 17th.
That is so soon! I could very well be her companion in the future,
which is crazy because I've known spent so much time with her already
these past 5 months. I guess we'll see!
And now I will report on Thanksgiving. IT. WAS. WONDERFUL. The
senior couple seriously went above and beyond. We had a delicious ham,
mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, salad, corn, rolls, PUMPKIN PIE!!!!!,
ice cream. Oh my gosh. It was delicious. I was in heaven. After that we
all went and did service for a member in 3rd branch. That is the
funnest, best thing ever as well. We harvested rice. I don't think
anyone can even understand the work that goes into rice. I literally
can't understand how there is so much rice in this world. I ponder this
regularly and I come up short every time. I do not understand. But it
was super fun! And it was the perfect thing for Thanksgiving day.
The other coolest thing about Thanksgiving was this. Sister Dilworth
had her ipad and she showed us this music video of these people singing
Little Drummer Boy. You must find this. It was incredible. Search
Pentatonix, Little Drummer Boy on Youtube. Do it. It is the best thing
ever!!! And from what I can tell it looks like there is a whole
Christmas album. Are they like a thing in the United States? I love
This morning the best thing happened at the market. We were
buying bananas and sister Davis pointed to the ones she wanted and the
Neakming who was selling them to us like got really startled and she
looked at the ming selling next to her and was like "what do I say??"
and she was like looking back and forth at us and holding up fingers. It
was hilarous. She assumed we couldn't speak Khmer. So I was like "haha
ming, don't worry, I understand." And like this great wave of relief
washed over her. Haha, it was HILARIOUS! You really had to be there, but
really it was super funny.
So yeah I guess that is all I have this week!
I love you all!
Sister Homer
Read the back of this dictionary. HILARIOUS. There are a lot of errors
in our dictionaries. Also my favorite favorite favorite thing is to find
hilarious definitions in my dictionary and highlight them. It will
certainly be one of my favorite souvenirs. |
A normal house in the neighborhood |
Brak Kneesock's neighborhood |
When Savannah received her call |
The group at the call opening |
My Thanksgiving meal :) |
The group at the Dilworths! |
In the rice fields |
Sister Davis and I |
The Elders |
The rice fields |
Our new converts! Ming Laundry, Srei Chia, Brak Kneesock |
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