
Sorry this one will be kinda quick, we are leaving to go see a wat soon. One of the highlights of my week this week was meeting Ming Sarong. She is maybe in her 50s and her whole life she has been beaten by her husband. It has kind of caused her to lose her mind a bit. She basically just talks to herself at all times, just under her breath. We go and we just spend time with her and help her make little baked goods (which I fail at.) But despite her life obviously being hard she is just the sweetest woman ever. The things she mumbles under her breath are really sweet. She is never mad or angry. She is just sweet. She has been learning SO many languages on her own. She speaks english with me. I wish I could describe her better to you. But I just love her, and I'm amazed by the love I feel for her. I feel like I'm feeling a portion of the love heavenly father has for her. She truly is a sweet sweet daughter of God. i'm so blessed to know her.

This week was also the week of a big holiday called something like Pchum Bun. I'm not sure what to associate it with, maybe like a mix of memorial day and thanksgiving. But it made a couple days this week harder to meet people. But it was fun to see so many families coming together and meeting. I love family!
Interesting situation. 10+ years ago there was a girl in our branch who got baptized with her parents, ONE WEEK BEFORE SHE TURNED 8. Over the years I guess missionaries have seen but nothing ever happened. So I decided I was just going to take care of it. Luckily we kind of already had a relationship with her. She is partially active... But the whole time she has considered herself a member. So we broke the news and told her we were going to have to rebaptize her. She was super cool about it! She actually is really fun! i like her a lot. That is just one of the many sketch things that takes place here in Cambodia. It's crazy!!

Does anyone anywhere understand anything in the book of Revelations????? It's crazy!!!
Yesterday Cynthia was baptized! I'm so happy for her. This whole week she has been counting down to her baptism and yesterday she was just radiating joy! I'll attach a picture.
Also a random guy showed up to church yesterday with his wife (from the states). He had served here in Kampong Cham 10 years ago!!! How cool! One of his converts is now the relief society president! I just loved seeing that!
I watched an ant die this week. Literally it was walking and then it just kinda sat down, rolled over, and died. When does that happen! It's still blowing my mind!

Also i've mentioned this before, but seriously it is like my favorite thing ever. These people here are SO SO blunt! Yesterday Sister Kuoch told me that I used to be fat! Haha yes, that mean I'm skinnier! Also, this is just the best. We were talking about other americans that look like me and how they are pretty and she's like "you would be pretty! but.... the freckles...." HAHAHAHHAHAHAH I want you to know that I really don't take any offense and I think it is HILARIOUS. It's too funny. Also this morning at the market a lady i've never met before asked me if I was going to use some medicine to take care of my freckles! haha so so so so funny!
Okay I have to run, but next week look forward to me telling you more about the dating culture and sister kuoch's dad!
Love you all
sister Homer
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