Dear Family,
So, I don't have a ton to say this week, besides the obvious, which is about my new companion.
I'll start from the beginning of last week. Sister Kuoch and I spent
most our time running around saying goodbye to members. And then on
Thursday we caught the bus and rode it up to phnom penh. That is a
beautiful bus ride! Also that was the first time I've left Kampong Cham
in 4.5 months. CRAZY!
(1) I really miss sister Kuoch! She is stinkin' adorable and it's definitely different without her!
On Thursday night I actually stayed in the same house as Sister Hartley
(my mtc companion) and it was the BEST THING EVER! Gosh how I miss that
girl. We just sat and talked and caught up about so much stuff, and she
still is so funny and makes me laugh so much. Someday we are going to
be companions again and it will be the best thing ever!
So after all that Friday morning we went to the mission home. I
can't tell you how sick I felt all friday morning. I just felt so
nervous and stressed and so so inadequate and apprehensive for what was
about to go down. At
they took the trainers and the trainees into a room and they announced
who would be training who. "Sister Homer will be training Sister Davis."
Yes, my new companion is Sister Davis, from America. She is american.
So that was like getting hit by a bus.
But after that we have 2 more meetings and then we rode the
car home. And now it's been a few days and I'm doing a lot better!
Because she is american, needless to say, she has never spoken Khmer
before. But that's okay!
So far there haven't been any major disasters, though talking
on the phone is still not a strength of mine. I felt bad because
Saturday we had 3 different meetings to sit in and sunday we had 2
branches of church, so thus far we have hardly taught any lessons.
Yikes! But starting tomorrow we will be teaching a lot, I hope!
So like I said, Sister Davis is from the states, Connecticut
actually. She is 19 years old and has done 1 year at BYU. She and I have
really similar perspectives on a lot of things, which is great. And
although I think most the time she is probably on the verge of tears,
and I KNOW she is super overwhelmed, she is pretending like it's all
good and like she has it all together. I'm trying really hard to take
care of her and let her know she can totally do this.
That totally made me start to wonder to myself, how did I get
to this point myself? I feel like I was just at the point where I was
thinking I couldn't do this and now here I am comforting her?! Crazy!
This is actually a blessing for me. Although it brings new challenges, I
think it is helping me to love it even more here and feel more
But yes, so I am still in Kampong Cham, both branches. If I stay her
trainer the whole time I will be in KC for a total of 5 transfers, 7.5
months! Haha, that's a long time! But honestly, I'm totally okay with
that. We'll see what happens.
I'm sorry, this email is so like all over the place. I am
going to see the monkeys again today! Maybe ask me questions next week
for whatever you want to know about my new comp, that will help me be
more organized.
Love you all!
Sister Homer
Srei Label |
Sister Davis and I |
Just me... sorry no glamour shots this week. |
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