Dear Fam,
Okay, this week is crazy. Hold on to your seats. Also stay tuned to hear my big announcement at the end of this email.
me and sister melting at email! Literally 5 minutes ago! |
First, last pday I had a crazy good learning experience. That is: Disobedience=want to die. Let me give you the short story. My companionship and sister Melting's companionship did like an illegal exchange because sister cheek and kayak wanted to stay at home and sister melting, peach, and I wanted to go to the mission home. So our trainers came up with they idea to split, so with thought it was all good. We go to the mission home, have a blast, so oblivious to the fact that we were breaking a MAJOR rule. How were we so dumb?? We knew that! But obviously we didn't know. STUPID. Anyway, we are just leaving the mission home and President Moon is like, "Sister Homer, can I talk to you for a minute." Still clueless. Then he drops the questions, "Where is sister Cheek." Long story short, I literally wanted to die. I just wanted to crawl under a rock and never come out. I felt so ridiculous. And It's not that I was like "caught", it was that I felt so bad I was breaking a rule! I honestly know that there are blessings that come just from being obedient. And I intend to be worthy of all those blessings! That was just rough.
A normal day in the life of Sister Homer |
Also during that little chat with the president, He asked me about my companionship and how it was being in a trio. I told him it works fine and that our companionship was good. I also told him that between sister Peach and I we are just okay. We are REALLY different but our relationship is fine. That got me thinking a lot though, and I realized, honestly, any problem between us is actually my fault. I am so impatient with her (surprise, surprise). And I just realized how ridiculous that is! So I started praying so hard this week that she wouldn't be transferred so that I could learn to be a good companion and learn to love her the way I should. Honestly, it really is easy to love people when you just put your mind to it. This week has been so good! I've been trying so hard to focus on her and help her be happy. It has been working! Also, I want you to know that I wasn't downright rude, and we really didn't have problems. I just would occasionally snap at her. I promise I'm not a beast!
I think I've told you a little bit about our Investigator Astoria. She came to church again yesterday for all three hours! I love her so much! We taught her twice this week, and after the first one we washed her dishes for her. She gave me this massive bear hug after. It was so sweet! It meant so much to her and was so easy for me. I think she really is feeling the change in her life by the spirit. She tries so hard all the time to read her scriptures and ask Heavenly Father about her life questions. She is golden! Also, I recited the first vision for the first time in a lesson with her! Success! I love her and I just know that Heavenly Father has prepared her to learn about the gospel! I'm just lucky to be here to watch her learn!
I want you all to know that you can buy yogurt and little chocolate milk boxes or juice boxes, and put them in the freezer, and then eat them later. You really can do that. And it's okay if you eat it for 3 meals a day (along with other food.) And it is delicious. I don't even like yogurt or chocolate milk, but it is so good! It's like ice cream! Mmm!!
Mom and Dad told me a bit about Grandpa's funeral. I would love to hear about everyone's thoughts and experiences. Bittersweet for sure.
So psyche about the rainy season starting. This week was SO hot. There was some rain, but mostly just super hot. Crossing my fingers for rain this week!
Our humble kitchen. |
We teach an English class once a week, and this week I went in and there was a random girl sitting there. So I sat by her and just found out that she isn't a member and that she (1) wants to learn english and (2) wants to learn about Christ. Well, perfect! So I sat by her the whole time and helped her during the class. And then I got all her contact info and referred her to the elder's whose branch she lives in. Her name is Srei Bling. She is so gold! It is so neat to see that Heavenly Father really is just doing this work, and we are here as instruments in His hands. He is preparing people all the time. And then a few days later, I ran into this same girl again, in our church parking lot! She just had some time to spare so she just came to the church to walk around. WHAT?!? She is gold! I can't wait to hear how it goes with her.
So one of these nights we were teaching Sister Cheek and Kayak how to dance American style dancing. Hilarious. We ended with the boot scootin' boogie. Classic. But The FUNNIEST thing was that we taught sister Cheek the phrase "stop, don't touch me there. This is my private square." You know the one. Well she was SO cute and funny and she was like "stop, don't touch me there. This is my brother." HAHAHAHA Okay, that literally is hilarious! Especially in her funny little accent. Ugh, so funny. Good times.
Another day this week we were stuck inside because Sister Peach was sick, so I decided to try and get some really cool pictures of my house for you guys. So I marched my little self down to our bathroom to show you how the toilet and I take a shower together. The shower is a little house in the bathroom that you just turn on and the whole bathroom gets wet. Anyway, I was thinking "oh they'll love this and think i'm so cool." So I open the door and walk in and lo and behold on the wall is a MASSIVE LIZARD. Not joking. A foot long at least, 3 inches wide. Hideous. Hideous. So I booked my little self out of that bathroom as fast as possible. What I didn't think about was like duh, I was trying to get a really cool picture, how perfect was it that there was a massive lizard in my bathroom. Way better than the original picture I wanted. But of course, I didn't take it. Ugh! Missed opportunities. I just was worried he would jump on me and bit my heart out!
One morning I came down to find a bowl of fish heads on our table. Yes, this is regular. Yes, my companion eats this for breakfast. Yes it smelled rotten. I just laugh so much more than you can even imagine.
The Cambodian mission just opened a chinese speaking part. What crazy! There are 2 elders that are now chinese speaking and they will work in the international branch. So cool! I'm not sure if it is mandarin or cantonese though.
My bible scripture case! adorable! |
And now, it is time for my big announcement. So remember how I said I prayed so hard that Sister Peach wouldn't be transferred, prayers answered, she is staying in Stung Mean Chey! But, of course, i'm not. I will be transferring this week to a Khait (don't know how it's spelled). A khait is like out in the middle of nowhere, countryside. I will be serving in Kompung Cham with Sister Window. So I'm getting a new area and a new companion. And I don't think I'm being trained any more...? I'm not clear on that part. But from some things President Moon has said to me, I think i'm just don't training a transfer early. Beats me. But yeah, so this was a complete surprise. My companion, Sister Window, is American (and part Korean, but that is irrelevant), and she is only 4 months ahead of me. This is going to be fun! Also I think that this is going to be a lot more like that Cambodia we imagined, as far as scenery goes. I hear it is BEAUTIFUL there! So honestly, I still am just so surprised and beyond comprehension that I don't exactly have a lot to say, but that's that. I found out last night. I am excited, but I think i'm just mixed because I really am sad to leave Stung Mean Chey. I have been here for only one transfer and there is so much to do! I love the people here! I just know there is obviously some reason I am being transferred there, so that makes me excited! Also I know that my language skills will get so much better, because there really is no other option. I think it will be good for me to not be in a trio, i'll really have to step it up. Honestly, I'm just shocked. This will really be an adventure!
So because I'm transferring there, I want to say don't send me any dearelders! I know you guys don't really anyway, but don't. Haha. I only will get to go into the mission home every 6 weeks, if I come in at all, so I won't get them.
Oh guess what else, we have 13 new investigators this week!! We met with most of them just like once, but they are all pretty solid! And we have 2 whole families. I'm so excited for them. I hope they progress! I'll have to get the updates from Sister Cheek and Peach.
So, I think that is all. Sorry this was so random and probably just made you think I don't do any work, I promise I do!
I love you all so much!
Sister Homer
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